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More cancelled flights for American Airlines and Delta. Both carriers scrubbing hundreds of flights as they continue to inspect wire bundles in planes. The focus is on spacing between the wires. The airlines say safety was not compromised.

2.Gunfire hits vehicles along a stretch of interstate in Virginia briefly closing the road, injuring two motorists.Traffic is flowing now as police search for those responsible for firing the bullets.

3.U.S. diplomats are taking cover in Baghdad, warned to stay inside reinforced structures because of rocket fire from insurgents that killed two government workers. The Green Zone where the embassy is located first came under rocket attack on Easter.

4.Flocke gets a look outside for the first time. The German polar bear had an early morning outing, preparing for her public debut next month. The cub navigated some rocks and gave the world a sniff.

1. 美国航空公司及德尔塔公司的更多班机被取消了。由于两家公司仍在对飞机线路进行检修,所以取消了数百次航班。此次问题集中线路间隙处。航空公司申称飞机安全性不会受到损害。

2. 维吉尼亚洲边公路上发生枪击车辆




给你的天空划一道绚丽的亮色给你的世界奏一曲动听的欢歌伸出你的手 伸出我的手让我们相会在广播中传播校内外新闻 抒发学子心声 丰富课余生活这里是××二中校园之声广播站我是播音员×××我现在已经大四了 每次还是能随口播出当时初中在广播站的开场白 直到现在我在电台录稿子的时候 依旧会形成在心里先念这一段开场白的习惯 可能这就是它给我的动力希望能帮助到你

标签: #夜晚电台稿件

