The lifecycle of an organisation often moves through five stages: startup, growth, maturity, stabilisation and decline, which usually takes between 10 to 15 years. However, is it true that the life span of an enterprise is 15 years at most? And there are indeed a number of businesses that have operated for more than a hundred years; what are the underlying reasons for their success though.
At start, every business is expected to put in place business plan, corporate development and other resolutions crucial to company growth. These strategies are continually adjusted with time and changing external market context. One such adaption strategy is refining corporate development initiatives through forecasting and predicting the movement of external factors and dynamically restructuring business and operating strategies.
通常每经历两到三年,企业都会遇到或多或少的增长瓶颈,特别是在当下信息变革的时代,新兴技术正在引领经济和商业模式的转型,许多传统行业和技术都面临转变、升级和业务多样化的挑战。有许多好的做法能帮助企业度过难关,例如 兼并重组、研发创新和市场扩张,但是这些解决方案也存在新的风险和对资金的投入。
Every two to three years, companies encounter some form of growth bottleneck, especially in the information transformation era. With emerging technologies that disrupt traditional economic sectors and business models, many industries and technologies face the challenge of transformation, upgrade and diversification. There is some good practice helping companies weather through the critical stage, such as mergers and acquisitions, R&D innovation, and market expansion, but these solutions also introduce new risk and occupy additional capital investment.
百年知名企业,如中国的贵州茅台和德国的西门子,它们都把握了核心技术和配方,并随着时代的变迁不断提升自身竞争力,不断为其核心价值增添创新元素。这样的成功案例还有不少,比如中国的家电行业,很多企业都已经从起家时的单一产品扩展到厨卫、太阳能、商用设备等领域,不断创造新的增长波浪。 所以,究其根本原因就是在巩固核心竞争力的同时扩展组织的价值提议,无论是本行业内的创新、客户群拓宽和还是跨界融合式创新,最终目的是让新产品或服务的商业周期递延企业的生命周期。
Enterprises that have more than a hundred years of history, such as Moutai Spirit (a famous Chinese Whisky) and Siemens, all have grasped their core technologies and recipes, based on which they continually enhance their competitive advantages by adding new and innovative elements. This kind of success cases are numerous, for example, home appliance manufacturers in China, have expanded from a single product line into kitchen and toiletry, solar, business equipment, and so forth. These new product lines help them generate new growth waves. Therefore, the root cause of their success is strengthening core competitiveness while expanding their value propositions, whether it is incremental innovation within an industry, target customer group expansion, or cross industry innovation. All of them allows the business cycle of new products or service to prolong the business lifecycle of the organisation.
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1. 企业孵化服务:为初创企业和创业者提供优惠的场地租赁、财务、法务、行政、人力资源等各类服务,帮助企业快速成长和发展。
2. 创新创业培训和支持:为创业者提供专业的培训和辅导服务,帮助创业者提高创业技能和创新能力,开发出有价值的创新产品和服务。
3. 技术咨询服务:为企业提供技术咨询和开发服务,加强技术交流和合作,推动技术创新和产业升级。
4. 资源整合服务:整合政府、高等院校、投资机构、企业家等多方资源,为入驻企业提供金融、政策、资本等多方面的支持和帮助,支持企业成长和发展。
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